Thursday, January 24, 2013


So I have been very lax with the bug repellant and have gotten some pretty sick mosquito bites. I only had about 15 but they were a deep vibrant red, about the size of dimes, and some were blistering even though I wasn’t scratching them. After 1-2 weeks of little improvement I started taking Benadryl’s before I went to bed, which definitely chilled them out and lessened the color. Then I went to BKK Tuesday night to hang out and get dinner, and I ate at a street food place on the side of the road and then hung out outside for a while. The next day I counted 150 bites just from my knees down (because my dress was covering everywhere else). They surprisingly aren’t that itchy but totally freak everyone out and the nurse gave me some medicine and anti-itch cream so they won’t bother me as much. Today, still a little itchy but manageable but they have gotten much darker so I think they are headed for the blood blister look- but i do look cool.
Skitos the day after they happened
Bites today

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