Thursday, January 24, 2013

I forgot!!!

The best part about the rose garden! So we were eating our first lunch of the day and the chair I was sitting on had metal legs that we sharp on the bottom. I was adjusting the chair and accidentally placed it on my big toe and sat on it and cut open my toe. It was bleeding quite a bit so I went to bathroom to clean it up. As I was sitting on the floor adding pressure and trying to clean it, one of the thai employees cleaning the bathroom squatted next to me. She had seen me and gone outside a picked of part of plant, and then brought it to me, cut it open, and was now applying goo to my toe and rubbing it in, eve, though she was getting blood on her! It kind of resembles an aloe vera plant, especially the way it was thick and had goo inside, but I’m pretty sure it was something different. Anyway, it looked so much better by the end of the day and was almost completely healed 2 days later!

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